Classroom Best Practices
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[January 23, 2025] Are you getting ready to start your student teaching experience or looking for ways to navigate it successfully? Join us for "Student Teaching 101," an NAEA Open Studio Conversation designed specifically for preservice and early career art educators. This interactive webinar will explore essential strategies for a successful student teaching journey, including classroom management, lesson planning, and building a positive relationship with your mentor. You'll hear from experienced art educators, gain practical tips, and connect with peers in this supportive online space. Whether you are just beginning your teaching practice or seeking additional guidance, this session will help boost your confidence as an art educator. Bonus! We also encourage all preservice and early career art educators to join us for our follow-up "Preservice Reflections Meeting" on February 4! Preservice Reflections is a new program for members to meet online for collaborative discussions, offering insights and applications related to topics relevant to YOU! This is a great opportunity to connect with your peers, share experiences, and learn from one another. Visit the NAEA website for more information and click here to register for this exciting opportunity!
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[October 2, 2024] Research in disability studies can help art educators reframe ways of engaging with disability issues. Learn about the use of disability arts to engage learners in critical visual literacy and imagery production focused on topics of disability. Discover critical approaches to language and decentering normalcy to create inclusive learning spaces for all.
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[August 22, 2024] Join us for an engaging session designed to help you prepare for a successful school year! Our Art Room 101 Series kicks off with Studio Procedures–Tips and Tricks for Back to School, designed to streamline classroom management and enhance teaching strategies for emerging and experienced art educators.
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[August 14, 2024] Join us for an exciting webinar that weaves traditional craftsmanship with contemporary creativity in fiber arts. We’ll explore innovative approaches for introducing new fiber arts projects to elementary, middle, and high school learners that are focused on accessible materials, diverse contemporary and traditional craft artists, and literacy. Come away with lesson inspiration; a better understanding of how you can explore fiber arts in your classroom; and information on where to find materials, recommended equipment, and tools, as well as overcoming budget constraints for fiber arts, storage options, and so much more!
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[May 8, 2024] Documentation and portfolios are multifaceted visual records that track, analyze, and represent student growth. The depth of documentation is strengthened through photography, audio recordings, transcriptions of their language, and dedicated time for reflection (for students and teachers). Visual arts portfolios capture the imagination, wonderings, and artmaking actions nurtured through student-centered art education practices and offer connections across grade levels and disciplines. Additionally, student portfolios are an advocacy tool providing insight into student thinking. The webinar presenters will share pre-primary, primary, and preK–12 strategies for organizing and sharing student progress with the broader community. Philosophical influences of Reggio Emilia, TAB, IB, and AP will also be discussed.
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[April 17, 2024] This webinar will focus on various ways choice can be implemented in the classroom through the structure of curriculum, digital spaces, physical environments, and classroom routines. We will share examples of skill builders, boot camps, and thematic-based challenges, and strategies to structure student-facing learning management systems and physical stations for different materials to engage students in their own learning journeys. You will also learn simple yet effective classroom routines to promote student autonomy and success.
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[November 15, 2023] Join us as we explore ways of advancing and reshaping the museum space in praxis toward racial literacy, cultural humility, and radical equity and inclusion. How can museums take the lead in dismantling dominant narratives, removing real and perceived barriers to visitor participation, and learning new ways of being? This webinar examines both theory and practice in transcending traditional historical identities of museums and examines the potential for trust-based museum processes that are rooted in community and belonging. Drawing on decolonizing perspectives, as well as lived experience, we will examine art museum spaces and explore ways to develop more equitable narratives.
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[November 8, 2023] The COVID-19 pandemic negatively impacted learning of all kinds with our youngest students being affected greatly from the shift to remote learning. In this webinar we will explore how to incorporate social–emotional learning and culturally responsive attributes in your teaching practices to develop more inclusive and collaborative learning experiences that promote creativity and self-expression in a post-pandemic world. We will also examine the continuum of choice in the art room as a way to increase student agency, voice, and skill development, as well as how to address student needs and reinstill a love of learning within a positive, engaging, and supportive learning environment.
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[August 9, 2023] Some things never change, and lesson planning is one of them, right? We learn to write lesson plans following a template as part of our teacher preparation program, and different school district norms may require minor changes to the format, but the lesson planning process is similar to how it’s always been. Or is it? More art educators are taking up the challenge of creating classroom environments to support self-directed learning by adopting pedagogies that encourage student inquiry and choice while focusing on the development of artistic behaviors. By doing so, certain questions may arise, such as: Will traditional lesson-planning methods allow for the open-endedness implied by these shifts? How might our planning reflect the much-discussed goals of culturally responsive teaching, social–emotional learning, or the promotion of a culture of belonging? How do we plan for differentiated instruction? How do we plan for assessment? What role do national, state, and district standards play in the process of lesson planning? What types kinds of planning templates best accommodate shifts in focus and pedagogy? Join us to reflect on these and other questions as presenters share experiences and examples of preK–12 lesson planning.
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[July 19, 2023] A well-developed, current curriculum provides many benefits for students and teachers. A curriculum that lays out course objectives and content sequencing allows the teacher to focus on designing specific lessons and assessments to teach individual students effectively. Additionally, curriculum planning helps a teacher ensure that standards are being addressed and met. This webinar will include presenters from elementary, middle, secondary, and higher education to provide a balanced review of this important activity.
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