Fiber Arts for All
- Non-member - $49
- Member - Free!

Fiber Arts for All
Wednesday, August 14, 2024
FREE for NAEA members; $49 for nonmembers
Join us for an exciting webinar that weaves traditional craftsmanship with contemporary creativity in fiber arts. We’ll explore innovative approaches for introducing new fiber arts projects to elementary, middle, and high school learners that are focused on accessible materials, diverse contemporary and traditional craft artists, and literacy. Come away with lesson inspiration; a better understanding of how you can explore fiber arts in your classroom; and information on where to find materials, recommended equipment, and tools, as well as overcoming budget constraints for fiber arts, storage options, and so much more!

Frann Diamond Paige
Elementary Art Educator, Winston-Salem/Forsyth County School District, Winston-Salem, NC
Frann Diamond Paige is an elementary art educator in the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County School District in Winston-Salem, NC. She graduated from Rochester Institute of Technology with a BS in Graphic Arts. In her previous life she was an art and print production manager for Condé Nast. Always interested in becoming an art teacher, Frann changed careers and has now been teaching for 20 years. She is an NCAEA 2024 Art Educator of the Year and has served on the NCAEA board for 8 years. In her free time, Frann enjoys camping with her husband, knitting, and painting with watercolor

Latonya Hicks
Visual Arts Secondary Integration Coordinator, Pinellas County, Pinellas County, FL
Latonya Hicks is a visual arts secondary integration coordinator in Pinellas County, FL. She is responsible for guiding 6–12 Pinellas County art teachers in IB and PreAP/AP Art and Design and teaching professional development. Her guiding principle revolves around the adage “never stop learning!” For 17 years, Latonya has engaged students from kindergarten to adult learners. In support endeavors, she holds roles and membership in the AP Art and Design exam, Development Committee, and mentor program, and she has served as the FAEA President.

Lisa Kriner
Professor of Art and Fibers, Berea College, Berea College, KY
Lisa L. Kriner is a professor of studio art and serves as the Morris B. Belknap Chair in Fine Arts at Berea College in Kentucky. She earned her BS in Textile Technology and Design at North Carolina State University and her MFA in Fibers at The University of Kansas. Lisa’s fiber art visually explores evidence left by the passage of time and patterns of daily experience and personal data.
Upon completion of this NAEA webinar, you may earn 1 hour of professional development credit as designated by NAEA. Once the webinar is completed, you may view/print a Certification of Participation under the "Contents" tab. You may also print a transcript of all webinars attended under the "Dashboard" link in the right sidebar section of the page.
Clock hours provided upon completion of any NAEA professional learning program are granted for participation in an organized professional learning experience under responsible sponsorship, capable direction and qualified instruction, and can be used toward continuing education credit in most states. It is the responsibility of the participant to verify acceptance by professional governing authorities in their area.