National Art Honor Society Connections: Open Studio Conversations with vanessa german

National Art Honor Society Connections: Open Studio Conversations with vanessa german
Thursday, November 16, 2023
Cost: FREE for NAEA Members 

Join us for the first National Art Honor Society Connections: Open Studio Conversations with vanessa german. This event offers a unique opportunity to gain valuable insights, connect with the renowned artist vanessa german, and ignite students’ creative passion. The session will begin with an engaging presentation by vanessa german followed by an interactive Q&A session facilitated by National Art Honor Society (NAHS) and National Junior Art Honor Society (NJAHS) students. 

Sponsors are encouraged to share vanessa’s artwork and biography with students before viewing the on demand event. These resources are visible upon registering under the "Handouts" tab above.

Disclaimer: This video presentation briefly depicts nudity (painting of a mother breastfeeding). The image is presented between 22:45-25:16. The artist also discusses topics such as gun violence and death, which may not be suitable for all younger audiences. Viewer discretion is advised.

Please note that this on demand event is available only to NAEA Members and that it does not grant NAEA professional learning credit. 

Ella Grail

Ames High School, Iowa

2024-2025 NAHS National Student Council Ambassador

Charlotte Martin

Taylor Middle School, Virginia

2024-2025 NAHS National Student Council Ambassador

Jace Walker

Archmere Academy, Delaware

2024-2025 NAHS National Student Council Ambassador

Cailyn Choi

Lakeside School, Washington

2024-2025 NAHS National Student Council Ambassador

Components visible upon registration.