NAEA Town Hall: Connected Arts Networks (CAN) Professional Learning Communities Recruitment
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NAEA Town Hall: Connected Arts Networks (CAN) Professional Learning Communities Recruitment
September 26, 2023
Cost: FREE!
Nathan Rødahl, Director of Orchestras, Port Angeles High School, Port Angeles, WA; Music Director, Bainbridge Island Youth Orchestra, Bainbridge Island, WA, National Association for Music Education (NAfME)
Raine Dawn Valentine, Art Educator, Rigley Middle School, Baltimore, MD, National Art Education Association (NAEA)
Kristie L. Farr, Theatre Educator, Indian River High School, Philadelphia, NY Educational Theatre Association (EdTA)
Ashley Cartledge, Dance Educator, Greenville, NC, National Dance Education Organization (NDEO)
Are you interested in furthering your instructional capacity to serve each unique students’ needs, or leveraging the arts in your school for greater impact? If so, join us for the Connected Arts Networks (CAN) Town Hall!
CAN is a multi-year grant initiative creating nationwide virtual Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) with educators in visual/media arts, music, theatre, and dance. CAN’s purpose is to build a sustainable model of professional learning for arts educators in public schools and public charters to strengthen their pedagogy, instruction, and leadership skills to better serve students.
In fall of 2023, we are recruiting up to 600 arts educators (150 educators per art form) to serve as PLC participants! These PLCs will meet virtually each month of the school year from January of 2024 through June of 2026 with a primary focus on professional learning in the areas of equity, diversity and inclusion; social–emotional learning; and teacher leadership through standards-based arts instruction.
At this Town Hall, you will hear from current CAN Teacher Leaders in each art form who are part of the inaugural cohort, in addition to learning more about the program, benefits, and how to apply!
This program is a partnership between the New York City Department of Education’s Arts Office, the National Dance Education Organization (NDEO), the Educational Theatre Association (EdTA), the National Association for Music Education (NAfME), and the National Art Education Association (NAEA).
Program activities for this project are fully funded through the U.S. Department of Education’s Assistance for Arts Education Program for a total of five years.
Please note that participation in this Town Hall does not include NAEA professional development credit.