NAEA Need to Know Webcast: Writing for Art Education

NAEA Need to Know Webcast: Writing for Art Education
June 23, 2022
Cost: FREE


Ami Kantawala, Senior Editor

Kendall Crabbe, Assistant Editor

Asavari Thatte, Instructional Resource Editor

Ashley Mask, Instructional Resource Editor


No one else has a voice exactly like yours! Your words, your perspective, your insight, and your inquiry matter to the field of visual arts, design, and media arts education. Join us as we unpack opportunities and guidance for you to contribute to NAEA’s flagship journal, Art Education. The idea that we can improve our teaching practice through research, action, and reflection is not novel. However, with the current challenges of relaxing standards and teacher education programs as an industry of mediocrity, there is an urgent need for teacher voices to be heard. Teacher research remains a systematic and intentional inquiry carried out by all teachers unleashing their power to author powerful manuscripts through a mentoring journal like Art Education. Art Education journal invites a range of submissions in the form of articles and instructional resources from both established and novice authors. So don’t be afraid to take that first step toward becoming a writer or continuing your journey as a writer. Every educator should have the opportunity to share their unique ideas in print! As educators, we have a lot to say to extend our reach through our ideas—please join us because we want to hear YOUR voice through our publication.

Please note that participation in this webcast does not include NAEA professional development credit. 

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