NAEA Need to Know Webcast: Toward Disrupting Research Dispositions: Doing the Work of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) in Times of Precarity
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NAEA Need to Know Webcast: Toward Disrupting Research Dispositions: Doing the Work of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) in Times of Precarity
March 16, 2023
Cost: FREE!
Presenters: Stacey Salazar, Daniel T. Barney, Mark A. Graham, Kathy Marzilli Miraglia, Sam Peck
At a moment when equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) initiatives are being challenged in education (including studio art classrooms), this timely webinar features a panel of art education scholars who will share research catalyzed by EDI issues—including race, class, sexuality and gender, ability, poverty, and first-generation experiences. The panelists, who are all members of the College Teaching of Art Working Group, conduct research in a wide range of contexts and places. Each member will highlight how they attend to equity, diversity, and inclusion in their research practice, and how this impacts their teaching. For these panelists, “research” is understood as something learned by art education researchers in their efforts to grow and contribute to the work of unmaking oppressive structures in higher education
art and design.
Please note that participation in this webcast does not include NAEA professional development credit.